Success Story
GenH is a Boston-based startup looking to redefine the hydropower space by introducing rapidly deployable, modular units that can be stationed on preexisting non-electrified dams with minimal disturbance to current infrastructure. The units are easily installable and profitable without subsidies, cutting out significant roadblocks to clean energy usage. Climate change has made clean energy markets incredibly volatile, as water resources cannot be consistently relied upon. The current hydropower market is defined by outdated technologies that no longer fit the requirements for efficient energy production. GenH’s Adaptive Hydro aims to solve this problem by mobilizing units to be deployed in ideal locations based on water flow and current climate conditions. This new approach to hydro offers first-class productivity and drives down LCOE to an expected <$.03/kWh. With low LCOE and consistent, reliable returns, Adaptive Hydro offers a new solution to clean future-proof energy production.
Key MilestonesÂ